Sustainable Solutions and Conservation

Not only is knowing and understanding what ingredients are used in products a priority for many people, but also being aware of where and how these ingredients are sourced is becoming increasingly important. These values come from a collective increase of being more eco-friendly and environmentally conscious when it comes to production and consumption. DERMAGLOVE is proud to embrace both of these values and put some good into the world in any capacity possible. Through our partnership with Human Nature Projects Uganda, the development of sustainable solutions and ways to promote healthy lifestyles go hand in hand as ingredients in the SAFE TO EAT line are chosen with the aim of supporting Uganda conservation efforts.


            Why is it important for companies to give back to the environment? Simply put, we want to give back what we take from the environment and make sure that the sustainable solutions created at DERMAGLOVE leave a positive impact. Within in Human Nature Projects Uganda partnership, conservation efforts are being led by the planting of cashew trees, a major cash crop in the region and a valuable source of income for farmers. The integration of planting and maintaining cashew trees aids in sustainable food production and the adoption of more effective agricultural practices to contend with the challenges of crop production. Cashew oil is incorporated into all SAFE TO EAT products which each purchase supporting conservation efforts for Uganda's forests and wildlife.

  In the SAFE TO EAT line, products are created with the intention of alleviating anxiety about cross-contamination in produce and to rid of any wax, pesticides, or bacteria. Pesticides, fungicides, and other agricultural chemicals are water-resistant, but the wipes and foaming spray removes these elements that water alone cannot. There is also no need to vigorously scrub and potentially ruin produce as SAFE TO EAT products properly cleanses produce with just a quick spray or wipe of the foaming solution followed by a rinse. In incorporating cashew oil into these products, DERMAGLOVE acknowledges the importance of the project's conservation efforts that help local communities, ecosystems, and foster opportunities to address human-induced environmental concerns.

            Human Nature Projects Uganda also focuses on human-wildlife interactions and the ways to mitigate the issues that have contributed to habitat loss and population loss of chimpanzees. In centralizing conservation efforts on planting cashew trees, the project hopes to shift human perceptions around chimpanzees as human sources for food are cultivated in areas inhabited by the monkeys. As land is converted to farmland for humans, it is important to maintain efforts to prevent deforestation and to mitigate issues generated by climate change that may affect further human-wildlife interactions. Furthermore, it is a major goal of the partnership to facilitate and support means for economically developing sustainable food systems and wildlife management strategies.

            To learn more about the partnership between Human Nature Projects Uganda and DRMAGLOVE, please visit:


Happy Mother’s Day from DERMAGLOVE!


Heathier Skin with Face Cleanse